FTM 2017 Stopped Unexpectedly

 FTM 2017 is unexpectedly suspended – Family Tree Producer Support ??

Do you find this error “FTM 2017 suspended unexpectedly” over and over again? Is the application in conflict? Can’t find your job because of this error? If your answer is yes, then you can take the support of a family medicine maker.

You can contact family medicine maker support for a toll-free number or instant chat. However, if you are unwilling to speak for support, and need immediate correction, then we have a solution listed here. You can stop the normal crash of Family Maker software with this solution.

Update your Windows and Pedigree Maker

Although FTM 2017 is one of the latest versions of Family Maker software, it has some problems. One of them is a mistake, “FTM 2017 Suspended Unexpected”. This can be remedied with the steps provided here. However, even before you take the first step, make sure your Windows operating system is fully updated with the latest dots. This will ensure that the latest version of “pedigree maker” is installed.

If you have the latest version of “pedigree maker” already installed, the problem may be with the program itself or with the tree file. Therefore, this needs to be investigated. This can be easy. If an application crashes while running on a particular tree file, then the problem is in that tree file. To confirm this, you can create a test drug with the same people included, included in the previous three. Repeat actions that led to earlier crashes. If nothing happens, it is the affected drug that causes the crash.

Family Tree Maker

The Files

Now, as you point out that a certain tree was causing a crash, the first step would be to assemble the file. Done it with Compact File Tool. It will redirect the file, and delete any unnecessary data.you,ll notice the performance is incresed of FTM. If you want more information in the Compact File Tool, you can call the family medicine maker support. As good habits, we should combine files from time to time. This will prevent any unwanted crashes.

Create a Back up

If merging the files did not resolve the issue, do the next step back up the tree. If you have been performing man-made backups you will find it in the specified location, which you specified when backing up. However, if not, you can use one of the backup files automatically. These files are automatically backed up and saved by the user. These files are located in the Docs\Family Tree Maker folder. These fields are saved with the extension .ftm in your system. If you can’t find the backup files automatically, then call the family medicine maker support.

Perform a fresh start and reload

Doing these steps should solve the problem, otherwise we may think that the crash is related to the Family Tree Maker program itself. In this case, we will do some basic steps first. Restart the computer. Restart the genealogy. We can restart the FTM 2017 program.

This is easy, just close the app and restart. If none of these steps work, then re-enter the genealogy. While performing a reboot, make sure no files are lost.

Reset system settings

If the re-install does not work again, it is time to reset the system settings. This step will reset the default desktop settings. Delete all files found within the “SearchHints” folder. The “Searchhints” folder will be found in C: drive, which is the default system drive.In case of difference of drives, search for the text “Searchhints” folder in that drive. Once you have reached your destination folder, select all the files and move them to reuse the bin.

Create a replacement account with administrative rights

If the problem has not been resolved by now, then use FTM 2017 as a manager. Right-click on the app, then click on “Run as Administrator”. If the problem is not resolved, we should create one replacement account. This will resolve any profile-related issues. Often lack of rights, or inadequate permissions can cause the system to crash. Once the new account is created, re-enter the genealogy in the new account, and start the program.

FTM Helps

Deleting user configuration file

Found, in some cases, issues are caused by a corrupt or aligned User configuration file. If so, deleting the file can fix this problem. To delete this file, first quit the genealogy program, and then navigate to the next location.

Users \\ AppData \ Local \ The_Software_MacKiev_Comp \ FTM.exe_StrongName_ [random strings of characters] \ 20

In the space provided, search for the user.config file, and delete it. Restart the system and check again. Once the program is started, there will be no trees displayed. To display a specific drug, you need to import it from the file menu.

Upgrading is the 2019 and 2020 versions

Usually, upgrading software to the latest version solves the problem. So do try upgrading to a family tree maker for 2019 and 2020. for more support Contact us

If none of the steps worked, and you don’t want to upgrade, then it is time to connect with the family tree maker Helps NOW.


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